The purpose of the system

• At the end of the development process, which took about 9 months, the digital body measurement system for the textile industry, which is a first in the world, was implemented.
• Both scientificness and ease and speed of application have been brought to the product size measurement operation, which is experienced by many apparel manufacturers producing for both domestic and foreign markets.
• In general, errors in manual applications, incorrect recordings, and related erroneous reports are completely avoided.
• Up to twenty measurements can be made on a product in a second.
• Not only measurement, but also detail control such as printing, pattern and embroidery can be done at the same time.

dijital ölçüm sistemi


  • It is a table measuring 1800 x 1100 x 800 mm.
  • The Industrial Camera is at a height of 2500 mm from the table surface.
  • The table is made of sigma profile.
  • There is a 5 mm thick white Plexy layer on the upper surface of the table.
  • There are LED lightings under the plexiglass, as well as Industrial LED projectors on the two diagonal corners of the table.
  • With the camera GIGE Ethernet connection, it is connected to the Panel PC, Desktop PC or Laptop, which is left to the user's choice.

Aplication software

  • All software used in the system has been developed within our company.
  • All kinds of clothing items produced in different models can be measured digitally.
  • The measurement can be taken no matter how the product to be measured is laid on the table.
  • After the user digitally measures one of the models and sizes to be measured and saves it to the system, the desired number of products in the same model and size is automatically measured and recorded in seconds with a maximum error of +/- 1 mm.
  • Tolerance values, if any, are also taken into account during the measurement.
  • During the registration of the master product, the circumference measurement, which is generally used in trousers, and also cm / inch selection can be made.
  • It is possible to get daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Model Definition

Which model of the product to be measured is placed on the table and then the model definition screen opens.

The new model can be entered manually or this data can be pulled automatically from the company's ERP system. All transactions are recorded in the system at the same time.

dijital ölçüm sistemi model tanımlama
ölçü tanımalama

Size Definition

On this screen, the required size measurement values of the product in the selected model can be entered manually if desired, and the values from the ERP can also be selected. Values such as circumference measurement, cm/inch selection, entering tolerance values are recorded on this screen..


Measurement definition

The product to be master is placed on the table and the points to be measured are determined on the product by means of the mouse. These markings are recorded in real time at the same time.


ölçüm sistemi
dijital ölçüm ekranı

Measurement Screen

On the measurement screen, the product to be measured is placed on the table and the New measurement button in the lower right corner of the screen is pressed, and the measurement is completed in seconds, as can be seen in the video, and the result is shown in the top list.

If all the measurements are correct, the rows will be green, if there is an incorrect measurement, that row will be red. If everything is correct, the screen is cleared and proceeds to the next product. If there is an incorrect measure, the user can Save as such or restart the process.

Advantages of the System

  • Errors created by manual processes are avoided.
  • The data generated in the measurements are automatically recorded, problems such as typos, unreadability, and loss of these documents due to writing on paper are eliminated.
  • A standard measurement takes about 1-3 minutes, while a digital measurement takes about 2 seconds.
  • Measurements in inches or cm can also be selected as circumference or normal measurement.
  • If there is a barcode or RFID tag in the measurements, with the addition of hardware to the system, information such as model, size, color of the products to be measured will be automatically brought and recorded.


dijital ölçüm ekranı


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