Warehouse Automation Project was implemented using RFID Technology. Due to the fact that İnoksan is one of the leading Industrial Kitchen manufacturers in Turkey, almost 100% of the products are made of stainless steel. There are RFID tags on all products transferred from production to the warehouse, and there are also RFID addressing tags on the shelves in the warehouse. While passing from production to the warehouse area, the products are automatically read by the RFID Gates installed on the doors and added to the warehouse inventory. At the same time, when the product label is read by the hand terminal used in the field, the address of the warehouse is determined. During the shipment phase, first of all, collection work orders are sent to the hand terminals and the personnel scan the products from the specified addresses and bring them to the shipment collection point. The company has three loading ramps, while the products are loaded from the relevant ramp to the vehicle, they pass through the RFID gate installed on each ramp. If the wrong product passes or wants to be loaded on the wrong vehicle, the Gates give an alarm with sound and light. This system has been working smoothly at Inoksan since 2015. Import, assembly and commissioning of the products used in the system, as well as any necessary All kinds of software were realized by TPLUS.